Fancy a glass of wine this Christmas?

Fancy a glass of wine this Christmas?

It is that time of the year when temperature dips, stars shine bright and everyone is eagerly awaiting Father Claus’s arrival with gift boxes. There would at least be a few of us who would be secretly wishing for a box of fine wine this Christmas season to lighten the festive spirit.But before we pop open the corks, let us take a quick look at the findings from a research done on the benefits of wine.

So the very latest research from a 2-year long study published in the ‘Annals of Internal Medicine’ by Researcher Iris Shai of Ben Gurion Univeristy states that ‘a glass of red wine with dinner can improve the cardiovascular health of people with Type 2 diabetes’.


Instead of the usual gloom, the study ventures further to state that red wine drinkers got an additional benefit in the form of improvements in good cholesterol.

Pop the corks? Not yet!

A final word of caution from the team however strictly urges Diabetics to restrict that to a maximum of 1-2 servings per day. Wine benefits cannot replace the Diabetes medication and Diet control. However a small serving to the dinner table seems to be a healthy addition after all.

(P.S – Do remember to extend that serving restriction to the sugar-laden Christmas cake as well!)

With that, HealthPlix wishes everyone a truly memorable Christmas and New Year ahead!

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